G ift Card Holder -SU products used
Project Recipe
Garden Green 4” x 6”
Score at 2 3/4” & 5 1/2” long side
Burnish score lines. Add tear ‘n tape to the 5 1/2” score line. Fold closed onto other side.
Garden Green 4” x 2 5/8”
DSP 3” x 6”
1. Put tear ‘n tape on 1/2” tab of the 4” x 6” cardstock layer.
2. Place cardstock insert inside the sleeve (this is the 4” x 6” layer).
3. Punch hole with either the Detailed Trio Punch or with a 1/8” Hole punch. Or Crop-a-Dilemma would also work. You would need one on the top of the sleeve and bottom of the insert. Centered.
4. Remove insert & turn it upside so the hole is at the bottom. Line up the hole on the insert with the hole in the sleeve and insert ribbon thru holes.
5. Push the insert down into the sleeve, taking the ribbon with it (which wraps around the insert). Tie ribbon at the top. Pull up on the ribbon to reveal the gift card inside. The ribbon keeps the gift card from sliding through the bottom of the sleeve.